the seaside, as I was today, in Hove, visiting my co-editor on the Brangwyn book - Gillian Naylor (see above). A wonderful, wonderful, vibrant, enthusiastic design historian, great intellect, great sense of fun, great style, northern directness - she just inspires me!
The Brangwyn book (Frank Brangwyn 1867-1956) was republished last month with glitches removed. I just wish we could have revamped the index. There was a very limited budget for the first edition, and I insisted on commissioning top class art historians who were also familiar with Brangwyn's work - which took the entire budget so Corinne and I worked for free. Towards the end I mentioned an index - no money left, but you cannot have a book of that calibre without - so I set about doing it myself - gratis of course. Unfortunately, at that stage, I didn't have indexing software, had a week to complete the job and was in Oman at the time with final page layouts for all essays bar one - so there are mistakes. There was no money available for my re-editing of the 2007 publication, I still couldn't afford the requisite software, so the indexing faults remain.
Odd business - publishing - still haven't got my head around it!