Thursday, 28 June 2007

27 June 2007 Task Sorted!

So I emailed Gareth, who sent me the name of the only company in the UK which blows Antique Glass - the eponymous English Antique Glass Company and they were perfectly charming and we can film any Monday/Tuesday when they are flattening glass. Brilliant news - only when can we find a Monday/Tuesday when either of us is free?!

And the other good news this week is that Martin Eidelberg, Professor Emeritus, Art History, Rutgers has agreed to be interviewed - he's an expert on Tiffany and has a wonderful impish sense of humour, reminds me of Robin Williams!

The bad news is that Peter Cormack isn't free to be interviewed when Charles is in London next week, and that the William Morris Gallery is absolutely definitely only going to be open 2 afternoons a week and Saturday and Sunday, and the staff will be reduced to practically zilch - this despite worldwide protests. Intellectual vandalism.

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