Friday 27 March 2009

Filmmaker helps police with their enquiries

About 4am Friday distant sounds of planes could be heard. Charles, in a delusional state, decided the Air Force were practising a royal fly-past in secret. However the noise gradually became louder, until at about 5am it was obvious that a helicopter was circling overhead. Police cars with lights blazing drove round the drive countless times - it should be remembered that this is a pretty remote part of Lincolnshire. The cars could be seen negotiating the small roads in the area and the helicopter appeared to be hovering over the neighbouring church. Having ascertained that both of us were still alive and safe and the doors well and truly locked, we hunkered down until morn, when we discovered (via the local radio station) that some gangsters had driven a fork lift truck into the wall of Barclays Bank in Spilsby, thereby removing the ATM machine, and, for some strange reason had made their getaway to East Kirkby church, an isolated spot to be sure but also a dead end. Here the felons had been located by the helicopter (borrowed from Yorkshire since amazingly enough Lincolnshire do not own one) and finally apprehended by the constabulary.
A very attractive young blond officer of the female persuasion came to the house later in the day to ensure everything was safe and no-one was hiding out in the barns. Youthful Charles was only to happy to help with enquiries.
We had to make a fleeting visit to Spilsby that day (since we came from the 'big 'ouse' we were waved magisterially through the crime scene and dozens of police-personages and forensics) and actually saw the 'Hole in the Wall' (literally), excited townspeople describing the 'wild west' character of their sleepy little township!
More progress on Manaton despite the broo-ha-ha! And in the evening Libby devised a rather splendid Bread and Butter Pudding for Soundbites.

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