Avenue that is, Northampton. And, with suitable Boris Johnson type apologies, the Northampton header wouldn't have produced the same excitement would it?! (And later I remembered it's ABINGTON Avenue after all! Oops!)
FB designed a window for what was the Congregational Church and is now the United Reformed Church (shown above, and detail below - isn't she lovely!). Obviously a very vibrant parish with daily events. We were welcomed by Ruth Redhead, Eddie and Joyce Jeyes. Ruth read us a piece written by a relative of Fitness who had commissioned the window, Joyce enlightened us as to the symbolism in the design, and Eddie was cajoled into taking his place at the organ seat and giving us a recital.
Filming outside the church, the net curtains of adjoining houses twitched - 'Ooh, who's that then, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie? Bill Odie and Kate Moss, it just must be, and its the starlings in the belfry they're after.' Well, we may be delusional but unfortunately none of those descriptions fit us 100%!
Back to Film Farm via Fired Earth showroom at Warmington Mill (a coffee shop there would be a great addition next to the canal?) and a superlative Waitrose cum JL at Rushden.