Visited Gareth near Carmarthen. What a super chap, hugely enthusiastic, similarly non PC, and could talk the hind leg off the proverbial donkey. He's obviously highly intelligent and was a teacher in a previous life, but luckily isn't didactic. Will come over superbly on film - the energy, the mobile smiling face, the character - and he loves Brangwyn - what more could one want! Rhetorical dear chap, rhetorical.
I had sent him images of all the known designs Brangwyn made for Tiffany and left it to Gareth to decide which one he wanted or felt most able to recreate - and he's chosen the one I secretly wanted him to choose, Girl with fruit bowl (see below) - so that's absolutely brilliant. Saw works in progress, took photographs of the studios (aka the spare room and the garage - here's one of Gareth, smiling of course) - agreed a price, always the heart stopping moment! Unfortunately he won't be able to start work until later this year and the panel won't be finished until about March next, which puts my whole timetable awry, but I feel it is worth waiting for. He's also agreed to be interviewed seperately as a practitioner about FB's approach to designing stained glass.
Also worked out logistics for filming 'how a stained glass panel is made' without negotiating multiple trips from Kent via Lincolnshire to west Wales which would deplete the budget more than a little - might have to do the Blue Peter 'Here's one I made earlier' tack.
Now occurs to me what a wonderful mini exhibition it would make - the new stained glass Tiffany panel, FB's original drawing (well, a photo of it anyway, location of original unknown), Gareth's working sketches, the film of the panel being made, and maybe we could have Miscellany and Mike Westbrook to perform at the opening. Wouldn't that be glorious?!

Got another donation towards the film from relatives!
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