Well almost - Charles and I loaded up the Alfa and drove down to the church of St Andrew and St Patrick, Elveden in Suffolk to film the stained glass window FB designed as a memorial to Lord Iveagh (Guiness family) - the window is above the door in the photo. Gillian and Neville Turner (see above) were most welcoming and gave us the full guided tour including the graves of the Maharajah Duleep Singh and family (I kid you not), the original mediaeval St Andrew's church, the shepherds on the pinnacles of the Western Tower (they gave the money and demanded recognition!), the extension dedicated to St Patrick and designed by Caroe (the o should be topped by an umlaut but I can't find the symbol), and the magical cloister and bell tower (also Caroe mit umlaut) erected in memory of the first Vicountess Iveagh. Ah, there's love and devotion for you - recalls the Taj Mahal (which, incidentally, I always considered chocolate box kitchy - that is, until I went there, some twenty years ago, and, despite the crowds, it just took my breath away. It is beautiful and truly magical).
Back to basics after that detour. The church is, unfortunately, cheek by whatsit with the A11 along which traffic thunders in a never ending manner. The photo shows Charles trying to record bird song amid the traffic roar!
The other bird - me - wasn't quite on song, mind elsewhere or something so we had to retake my blurb rather more than a few times (and then afterwards, looking at the rushes, noticed I'd still got my sandals on instead of some slightly smarter black shoes - ***** - can't win 'em all as FB might have said).
Persuaded Gillian to talk about the window but then mortified her because we compared the feel of it to All Things Bright and Beautiful which isn't exactly her favourite hymn! It might be rather jolly to have some youngsters singing the hymn though - any offers of help? The church hosts a campanologists get together in the summer and Neville has promised to tape the ringing for us, which is splendid.
Recovered from our labours in the newly opened Elveden Estate Shop and Cafe (with accent) Restaurant which is excellent - well worth a visit.
Back to Film Farm through sheeting rain - ugh!
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