St Winifred's, Manaton.
Below: Charles filming inside the church, with the early 16th century roodscreen behind, defaced (literally) during the Reformation.
Knowing that today would be a long, tiring day, Charles decided on a large cooked breakfast - bacon, sausage, poached egg, tomatoes, fried bread, mushrooms - I think that was all, the right decision as it turned out but it nearly defeated him. Our genial host noted that this was his small size cooked breakfast - he could perform greater feats with even larger plates. Goodness gracious me.
And so, having piled up China once again we sadly said goodbye to Dawlish and headed up to Manaton, a fairly tiddly village near Bovey Tracey (a large proportion of FB's windows do seem to be hidden in obscure parts of the countryside - is there anything relevant in this one might ask onself). We filmed the inside of the church and the FB window (dedicated to Esmond Moore Hunt, the son of one of Brangwyn's friends) and my blurb but I kept getting my murds wuggled up (I blame the cold). I scoured the graveyard for Esmond's grave to no avail and got rather wet in the process. We filmed the outside of the church, me trying to cover Charles and the camera with an umbrella (not easy when the cameraman is 6ft 3in and I am a mere 5ft 2in (although I did actually stretch to 5ft 3in when living in Hong Kong and doing loads of sports). We then bundled into the car, all soggy and wet and back on to the moors for location shots (wet and grey and misty).
And with excellent timing arrived at our next venue nearby to interview a relative. Unfortunately the gentleman was one hour late and no explanation was forthcoming, but he was absolutely charming so we bagged that bit of film and set off again for Leominster area, still exceedingly wet and damp (more so than yesterday's swim in the sea) and by this time rather tired and a little miserable. The B&B didn't 'do' food but we scraped together some picnic goodies at an M&S service station. We finally arrived at our destination about 9pm after a horrible drive in the dark through the rain, and then of course spent the next 30 minutes emptying the car of it's precious load before attacking our picnic with gusto (who he).

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