The wetsuit was wonderful (c/o Scuba Solutions) and even after an hour I didn't feel cold. Charles did!
Coryton Cove was known as Gentleman's Cove in Victorian Times, and gained the ENCAMS Quality Coast Award 2007 and Marine Conservation Society Good Beach Award 2007. It is backed by Brunel's railway line and the trains trundle through (unfortunately not puffers) regularly which is rather fun.

Having treated my colleague to so many wonderful meals during our filming ventures he decided that it was time to reciprocate, and so we ended up at ... (wait for it) ... the Rock 'n' Sole Fish Bar where we (yes, even me) devoured pollack (very good and environmentally correct) and chips (well I left some of the latter which were immediately hoovered up by CM).

In the afternoon we interviewed Mike Westbrook, a fascinating shoot, where he sat at his grand piano and explained the thinking behind the FBSG compositions. And in the evening Kate cooked us a meal - without a doubt the best meal during the west country expotition.

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